Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Joyful July

Sweet Snapshots

Jenni: "Did you know 6 is close to 8? Which means I only need two more birthdays to get to 8. Which means I'm almost an adult."

Every time Joshua goes potty...
Joshua: "God helped me!"
Looks up (to the sky)...
Joshua: "Thanks you, God!"

I told Joshua we were having a family dinner at a friends house that night...
Joshua: "That nice. You think we could have some family time before we go there, please?"

Having a talk with Joshua about how he can't hit people, even playfully (the boy loves to play pretend fighting)...
Joshua: "Well, what if a bad person tries to hurt me? Or a lion tries to bite me?!"

Joshua: "Mommy, let me tell you a story before bed. Moses a little baby. He float in a basket to a new family. That my story."

As Eric was packing to go out of town, he gave Joshua some tasks to manage...
Joshua: "That mean me be a boss? Like me tell Jenni to clean her room and she has to?"

Joshua: "Me want three more babies and me want to name them all Jacksonator because Jackson such a nice baby."

After setting up for Jenni's birthday party, I asked her if she liked the decorations...
Jenni: "Y-e-s. I l-o-v-e them. I know you did a lot of hard work and I appreciate you." :)
And then the cherry on top...
Jenni: "You are the sweetest person ever. And I'm not even kidding."
Melt. My. Heart.

Packing for Grandpa and Grandma's...
Joshua: "Mommy, fine if me bring my pajamas if me want to sleep in my bed at Grandma and Grandpa's?"
A short time later...
Joshua: "Me have two beds in my room. Fine if me ask Gavin if he wants to sleep in my room with me? We can wear our dinosaur pajamas." :)

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