Wednesday, October 15, 2014


 Jenni is a lovely big sister and Juliette is always so cozy in Jenni's arms.
 Joshua only became interested in writing a few months ago and is so excited about his accomplishments thus far!

 Jackson James continues climbing onto anything and everything. He especially loves walking around the outside of the trampoline.
 Joshua enjoys being a big brother and "hooking" Jackson with his fishing pole.
 Jackson loves playing with Jenni since she always has fun ideas of things to do. Sweet J told me the other day, "I think God gave me another brother to help me serve others more." Jenni truly has a servant's heart and I enjoy doing life with her!
 A typical afternoon while Jackson naps - Jenni working on art work, Joshua "reading", and Juliette in between. :)
 Little Love. Jackson likes to spend life outside.
 Jenni practicing "Super Baby" with Juliette. :)

 These two. :)

So much love.

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