Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week 33 of Pre-K

Bible Verse: Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy (1 Peter 1:8).

 We begin math each day with counting by 1's to 100, counting by 10's to 100 and then counting by 5's to 100.
 Sweet J working on her subtraction problems. She used counting bears to help her solve.

I gave J a handful of counting bears and she sorted them by color and then graphed them in the appropriate columns. She then counted how many were in each row, determined which row had the most and which had the fewest and then counted the total amount of bears.
We are finishing the graphing lessons in Saxon Math K. This time I gave J a handful of pattern blocks and she sorted them by shape, graphed them, and determined which row had the most, fewest, and same, etc.
 We played Uno and War card games this week, reinforcing lower and higher numbers.
We did a few different math activities with our counting bears to show some, some more, and some less. Example - This picture shows our counting bears at the swimming pool. Five counting bears in each line, 10 counting bears total. The counting bears took turns jumping off the diving board into the pool and J would count how many bears are still waiting in line, how many are in the pool, etc. J loves math story telling time.
 Playing "grocery store" - another of Jenni's favorite games. We use food from her kitchen, write down the prices, and Jenni pays for her groceries with her nickels.

Explode the Code

 We have finished all the lessons in Book 1 of Explode the Code and Jenni finished the "posttest section" this week.

Another Celebrated Dancing Bear (Five in a Row)
Math: Days of the Week & Hours in the Day

 Jenni J is still working on the days of the week. She knows all the days but commonly leaves out Thursday. Boris' dance lessons in the story were on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from seven o'clock to eight. Jenni reviewed her flashcards telling time to the hour.

Language: Action Words
 Jenni acted out several action words from the story: applauded, bowed, beamed, giggling, chattering, kicking, leaping, etc.

Language: Vocabulary

We added several new words to our vocabulary file box this week. On the front of the card is the word and definition. On the back is the word in a sentence from the story.

Social Studies: Occupations
(other ideas included accountant, rescue worker and teacher)
Jenni learned the word "occupation." We discussed the jobs Boris Bear and Max had. We discussed the importance of working hard and finding joy in your job and how many people enjoy different types of work. Jenni thought of several occupations she might enjoy in the future and made a list. I always love hearing her ideas for her future, especially her ideas of being a sandwich maker or ice cream girl.

Art: Architecture - Russian Styled Skyline

At the top of the first page there is a picture of a Russian skyline. Jenni noticed the differences between architecture she is familiar with and Russian architecture. Jenni created her own Russian styled skyline by drawing rectangles and then domes and turrets on top.

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