Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 4 of Pre-K

Bible Verse of the Week: "A friend loves at all times..." (Proverbs 17:17)

Singapore Math

 This week we continued our focus on number recognition, counting, writing numbers and graphing.

Get Ready for THE CODE and Writing

 This week J studied the letter Kk, the sound /k/, and worked on writing Kk. Jenni thought the letter Kk was "a bit tricky to write." :)

Reading is going great. J is reading a solid amount of 2-, 3- and 4-letter words.

Corduroy (Before Five in a Row)

  This week we rowed Corduroy. We read the story each day, did the supplemental activities in the B4FIAR manual, and worked on the lapbook.

Button Patterns & Rhyme Book

Jenni glued the next buttons in the pattern onto her button strips.

F is for Friends

The rest of our school time consisted of our Alphabet Fun unit increasing our knowledge of the letter Kk!

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